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Check out this 2024 research comparing Agents to other educational approaches

2024 Research

Unexpected visitor levels, navigating a new normal

Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Colorado, U.S.A.
The Problem:

With COVID-19, Colorado Parks & Wildlife had an influx of visitors. Summer-like visitorship during the spring was the norm, as people were pursuing leisure activities outside for safe social distancing. Compounding the problem is that Colorado Parks & Wildlife had aging interpretive signs not necessarily attuned to modern needs for digital solutions.


The Solution:

Agents of Discovery solved the void of educational programming, allowing for a new focus on responsible recreation post-COVID – “leave no trace”. Innovative image triggers, which allow a user to trigger a Challenge through an image (rather than a QR code or GPS), can allow for indoor play and really help with “leave no trace”.



“All the work that could be done with the Agents of Discovery platform was really helpful to our needs. Partnerships with federal agencies around work from home during COVID-19 were also really useful, as Agents of Discovery works hard to create networks of partners working together.

Agents of Discovery has been helpful as traditional programming was cancelled and we limited seasonal staff (many did not hire interpretive positions due to COVID-19)”.


Mary K. McCormac
Statewide Interpretation & Wildlife Viewing Coordinator
Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Chimney Rock National Monument