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Check out this 2024 research comparing Agents to other educational approaches

2024 Research

Cautious About Technology

Park operators need to be careful when deploying technology in their green spaces. Sunshine Coast Council in Australia wanted to be sure they were using a helpful technology platform provider in their Australian park areas. Agents of Discovery provided an affordable, easily accessible, and versatile tool.

It was so delightful listening to families playing our AoD missions taking the opportunity to discuss the importance and role of species we had featured in our AoD missions.

We were initially very nervous about engaging with a new platform, in particular we were worried how our busy team was going to find the time and space to learn how to plan, program and upload our missions. But we needn’t have been concerned, from the on-boarding training provided by Jay to the instant tech and promo support provided by Jay and Kendra, we found Agents of Discovery easy to use, time-efficient and a fantastic way to engage our community in connecting with nature. Our very first mission launch during a 2 week school holiday period reached some 1714 players!

We’ve also found Mary and Joel extremely receptive to new ideas and suggestions and they are always looking to adapt and improve the program based on the needs of their stakeholders.


Dr Lisa Ryan | Environmental Education Officer

Natural Areas| Environmental Operations

Liveability and Natural Assets Group  | Sunshine Coast Council

Agents of Discovery can be updated regularly and gives visitors information that is up-to-date and relevant to the location.